I finally joined the world of laptopery. Hooray. (To the left is Sonna, a horny kitten I have to tell to shut up and get away from me while I'm eating.) The aspect I'm most excited about is not having to deal with my shitty old PC any more. And, of course, I hear great things about Macs' media capabilities, so... if you all want to start mailing me things like a minidisc recorder, marimba, vibraphone, etc., I'll get cracking on that solo project that's been kicking around my brain. At any rate, I should be more available over the old interweb now that I have a home connection again.
Um, I had lots of pictures of cats on my camera for some reason. Here are a few. I actually like cats a lot. I just don't like it when they beg me for sex when I'm eating waffles.

Today's listening: The Goslings
Grandeur of Hair, Isis
Live IV, Isis
Panopticon, playing music with Erik aka The April Decca
Movies (holy crap, I've been renting movies; very unusual for me, but I'm trying to get in the habit since I know there's so much good stuff out there):
Audition, Thumbsucker, Monster, RepulsionCurrent (re)reading:
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man