
Monday, October 30, 2006

S-O-V at the nine-thir-dee

Post coverage. I was there. I approve. This is one rising pop star I can get behind.

Friday, October 27, 2006



Friday, October 13, 2006

DC Music Lovers - Get Bummed!

Below is an email from the owner of the Warehouse (sent to someone else who works there, not to me) laying out in concise, detailed terms what's going to be happening with the music situation there.


Warehouse Next Door is moving – to another space within the Warehouse Arts buildings.

We are combining WND and the Warehouse Second Stage in the Second Stage space and creating a hole through the wall to enter through the Warehouse Café.

This new space will be a multi-use space, hosting both performance and live music. A typical night would have 2 slots – a 730pm slot for performance and a 10pm slot for music. Load-in for the late slot will be either before 7pm or at 9pm.

We will be tinkering with the mix of music, probably limiting the number of punk, hardcore, metal, etc. shows that we currently host. WND will continue to be an all-ages club.

For the moment, I am going to take over the calendar and ask everyone to request specific dates from me. I will need date, bands, and type of music. It is unlikely that we will host many 4-band bills and I’d like to experiment with 2-band bills.

The new WND will be slightly smaller. New stage will be slightly bigger.

Old WND – Room is 18’ x 46 (includes bar)
Stage – 10’ x 12’
91/2’ ceilings

New WND Room – 18’ x 32” (with overflow space available through a wide doorway)
Stage – 9’ x 18’
91/2’ ceilings

New WND will have 2 small dressing rooms – one for early performers and one for later bands. Dressing rooms will be behind the stage.

Many of the details remain to be worked out, but we will probably start in there on the weekend of November 2nd.

Friday, October 06, 2006

70-Year Reich (it's ok, he's a Jew)

Steve Reich, the ground-breaking minimalist composer (and personal favorite of mine) turned 70 this week. Pretty important milestone I guess, so worth noting here. I can't think of another composer with whose body of work I'm so thoroughly taken. He's produced so much great stuff, it's hard to know where to begin. If you're wildly inquisitive and have some money to burn, the Works: 1965-1995 box set covers a lot of it (note: link to corporate retailer for convenience only; no endorsement intended). For the merely curious, I would be thrilled out of my pants to copy discs from the box set for you. Just ask.