
Wednesday, August 09, 2006

London calling (long distance)

Story in the Post today about Chinese punks. Not particularly deep, but pretty cool that it was on the front page.

In other news, I was checking out the scene reports in the current issue of MRR and, in reading about punk bands in Uzbekistan(!) and Tajikistan(!!), I came across the website for Tian An Men Records, run by a dude in France who puts out bands from places you wouldn't believe punk has taken root. Upcoming projects include comp LP's from Uzbekistan and Tajikistan and yet-to-be-announced releases from Kenya, Sri Lanka, and Iraq. Plus a 13-year back catalogue that includes bands from Kyrgyzstan, Madagascar, Cuba, Nepal, Myanmar/Burma, and Brunei. Granted, the quality of the featured bands may not live up to the concept of punk rock generated in exotic corners of the world, but still...friggin' awesome. I'm going to try to put an order together and will report back if and when the records land on my doorstep.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

there's a good chance you'll burn in eternal hellfire anyway.

12:07 AM  

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