
Monday, September 25, 2006

Overheard on the Pennsylvania Turnpike

So a friend and I are driving from my parents' house to Philly last night, and there's construction on the turnpike. Two lanes of traffic are crawling along equally at a negligent speed. Fortunately, we were paired with, if not the most amusing driver in the whole state at the time, at least the most colorful on the pike. For sure. Mid-late 30s man with what appeared to be a couple of daughters (tween or younger). This man was very upset about the construction, and was very vocal about it for at least a half hour. So while tailgating the car in front of him (we're all moving at 3-5mph) and once even flashing his high beams when it didn't move up fast enough, he spouted the following quotes with his windows wide open:

"IDIOTS!!!" (multiple times. many times. in various permutations, often audible from two or three car-lengths away. he's referring here, apparently to the entire crew of PennDoT for not posting a sign about the construction on the on-ramp.)

"I didn't pay to be inconvenienced!"

(and the kicker, again directed at everyone involved in any way, shape, or form with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation) "Bunch of white-trash negroes!"

No, I didn't make that up or mistype it. My fingers are too adept for the latter, and my mind is not amazingly awesome enough for the former. I must say that, without making any assumptions based on skin color, dress, hairstyle, or type of car, there might be a wee bit of irony in there somewhere.


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