
Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Election Day interview with myself #1

MA: So, your first trip to the polls today was...unconsummated?
Me: Yeah, I went to the wrong place. Nice day to spend an extra hour in line outside though. I'm going to try again at the proper location in an hour or so.

MA: Did you at least get to listen to a local tv reporter make a fool of himself during your futile wait?
Me: Sure did. Let me first say that at this polling place, the wait was roughly an hour when I got in line. The line stretched along most of a city block, but not a particularly long block, and the line wasn't around a corner or anything. When I was at the front of the line, there was a reporter and cameraperson from Channel 7 doing repeated takes along the lines of "this, as you can see, is the front of the line; we'd like to show you the end of the line, but..." The reporter was testing out different phrasings of this revelatory coverage, sounding really comical. And of course the "but" could easily have been followed by "we're pushing a pre-determined angle - heavy turnout - and plus, we're too lazy to reposition ourselves the few feet away it would take to get an angle that includes the back of the line, which is easily in shouting distance."

MA: What a fucking tool.
Me: Tell me about it.

MA: Last question: do you find it disturbing that when reading the word "cameraperson" in print, the "raper" part really jumps out at you?
Me: Yeah, weird, I was just noticing that too.


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