
Thursday, October 28, 2004

I got you, Babe

The Red Sox finally won. Aside from putting to rest baseball's most prominent myth, what does it mean?

-Bill Buckner can leave unfinished his macabre memoir Even the Toddlers Have Daggers In Their Eyes.

-New England will see a glut of World Series Babies born on or around July 28, 2005. In a recount, the Totally Worth It Sex Fairy seems to have a slight edge over the Regretted Sex Fairy, though the widespread use of Diebold condoms is expected to leave the contest unresolved for weeks. Citing recent cuts in federal funding, the Abortion Fairy claims her skeleton staff will be insufficient to attend to the region's numerous college towns in the coming weeks.

-Wooden pellets, rubber bullets, and irritant-filled balls will across the board be relabled "less lethal" weapons from "non-lethal," and will be dutifully deployed at the next rowdy political protest as if nothing had happened.

Congratulations are in order for the Sox. And though I won't be around to see their next World Series victory in 2090, I wish them all the best.


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