
Sunday, December 31, 2006

Year-end self-promotion!

This space is vastly under-utilized in terms of marketing and networking, don't you think? There's a recent copy of The Economist sitting on a coffee table at the house where I'm dog-sitting that trumpets "Happiness and how to measure it." Well, since every rationalist worth his or her salt knows that any bowl of good qualitative pudding ought to be frozen, cubed, and served quantitative if it's to have any meaning, here are a couple concrete things you can do to help me push my happiness to eleven (11):

Number One (1): You may proceed to the Aghast site, where I have recently posted two (2) mp3's from our next record. Listen to them, enjoy them, share them with friends. (When the record comes out, if you could each please purchase eight [8] copies, that would allow us to continue to invest new capital into our venture.) Don't assume that just because someone's not a "punk" that she won't enjoy our music. It's important for us as a commercio-artistic enterprise to penetrate as many market spheres as possible. For instance, I think a good example of a non-traditional niche for our music is the hearing impaired community.

Number Two (2): My other entrepreneurial exercise at the moment is a dog-walking business. I try hard to keep these two money-making schemes separate, because in one of them I hit things and in the other I really shouldn't. Now that the dog scheme has finely honed virtual representation (a nice website), you should visit it and share it with your co-workers, co-investors, co-friends, and co-family. We would love for them and their animal companions to join this partnership in which we make money. We currently cover numerous neighborhoods in DC and accept payment in US dollars, but for obvious reasons we may soon be switching to the euro and outsourcing the walks to Poles and Bangladeshis. Or... wait... I'm just reading Business Week... It seems that due to market fluctuations in the developing world that we will be having Poles and Guatemalans doing our walking. Sorry Bangladesh! We were able to look the other way when your Transparency International ranking came out, but these rumblings about collective bargaining are a little sticky for small businesspersons like ourselves. (Note to investors: this same issue of Business Week suggests that we should think seriously about adding Raytheon to our portfolios based on the expected earnings from their new lines of cluster munitions--"Cute Puppy" and "Ice Cream Cone." I'm sold!)

Business is a two-way street, so if you're working any angles that you want to promote, feel free to do so in the comments section. Cross-pollination, synergo-fertilization, and cynical market expandancy are the names of the game. May 2007 bring great prosperity to us all!


Blogger Unknown said...

i hope you both pilfer my GENIUS idea to have dogs write blog entries on your website. people go ape (blam!) for talking dog marketing.

and yes, you should definitely drop some review copies of the new disc at the gallaudet student center.

4:54 PM  
Blogger John said...

Identify yourself, human. I'm too busy juggling portfolios and "getting my hustle on," as the young people say, to involve myself in the futile, non-prosperous exercise of guessing which of my co-investors is leaving digital post-its in my blogosphere.

12:11 AM  

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