
Thursday, February 02, 2006

We could make a soldier of him yet

R.I. School Essay Brings in Secret Service


The Secret Service is investigating a seventh-grader who wrote a school essay that authorities say advocated violence against President Bush, talk show host Oprah Winfrey and others.

The boy's homework assignment for English class was to write what he would do on a perfect day. In addition to the president and Winfrey, the boy wrote that violence should be directed at executives of Coca- Cola and Wal-Mart, police and school officials said.

"His perfect day would be to see the destruction of these people," Schools Superintendent David Raiche said.

I suspect that the Secret Service was concerned not so much by the violent imagery per se but rather by the boy's failure to include a naked human pyramid in the scenario. And I expect the government would concede the legitimacy of violence against Oprah in a ticking-time-bomb situation - involving, say, Dr. Phil's 500th appearance on the show.


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