
Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Papal Bull

(The following is for anyone still on the fence as to whether the current pope is a fascist shitbag.)

Splashed across Drudge at the moment is the large-font abomination, "Pope: Gay Marriage Part of 'Ideology of Evil.'" After wiping the vomit off my keyboard, I hyperlinked myself over to the article. Let's see how it reads, shall we?

Pope Calls Gay Marriage Part of 'Ideology of Evil'

ROME (Reuters) - Homosexual marriages are part of "a new ideology of evil" that is insidiously threatening society, Pope John Paul says in a new book published Tuesday.

Great timing, JP. Couldn't you have excreted those few hundred smooth pages while I still had a sinus infection? Cause there were times when anything softer than sandpaper would have been a blessing, dig?

In "Memory and Identity," the Pope also calls abortion a "legal extermination" comparable to attempts to wipe out Jews and other groups in the 20th century.

He also reveals that he is convinced the Turkish gunman who shot him in 1981 did not act alone and suggests that the former Communist Bloc may have been behind the plot to kill him.

Ok, supporting Solidarity was a good, even brave, thing to do. So, we have "supporting Solidarity" on one side of the balance sheet, and "otherwise being a fascist shitbag" on the other side. (I encourage readers to do that thing with your hands where you pretend to weigh a set of scales. Right goes up, left goes down; left goes up, right comes down.) Now: isn't it a bummer that '81 was such a bad year for would-be assassins?

The 84-year-old Pontiff's book, a highly philosophical and intricate work on the nature of good and evil, is based on conversations with philosopher friends in 1993 and later with some of his aides.


In one section about the role of lawmakers, the Pope takes another swipe at gay marriages when he refers to "pressures" on the European Parliament to allow them.

"It is legitimate and necessary to ask oneself if this is not perhaps part of a new ideology of evil, perhaps more insidious and hidden, which attempts to pit human rights against the family and against man," he writes.

No. What's legitimate and necessary is - with all due respect to Berrigan, Day, et al. - for people of conscience to surround the Vatican, evict its decrepit, medieval residents, and use its coffers to subsidize the purchase of a copy of The Origin of Species for every classroom in the world.

The Pope's fifth book for mass circulation, issued by Italian publisher Rizzoli, sparked controversy in Germany and elsewhere after Jewish groups protested against leaked excerpts comparing the Holocaust to abortion.

The difference being, of course, that the Church didn't give a shit about the Holocaust.

In at least two sections of the book, the Pope talks about the Nazi attempt to exterminate Jews and the wholesale slaughter of political opponents by Communist regimes after World War II.

Bold move, pope. You're taking a stand at two almost universally hated political machines while spewing bile about a minority group. The scary thing is that once you die, someone even worse could inherit your throne. (Hey, sounds like the US government!)

The article ends by saying, The Pope says the assassination attempt against him was perhaps "the last convulsion" of the ideologies of the 20th century -- a clear reference to the Communist bloc.

Some of us are still waiting for the last convulsions of the ideologies of the 1st century.


Blogger xolondon said...

"The pope is a fascist shitbag."

I love that you said this online. I said something similar to a friend recently and she told me to watch what I say. I said, "What?! Why? What exactly about the pope should we admire? He is living in the 18th century and has a passive hand in the deaths of many people. Now he subtly gives the go ahead for the perscuction of gays!" and that's not even getting into broader church issues. This old windbag deserves no respect.

5:01 PM  
Blogger John said...

First, you give him too much credit when you say he's living in the 18th century. 18th century would be a vast improvement.

Second, it's shitbag, not windbag. Dude's got very little wind left in him, but he's still full of shit.

1:26 PM  

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