
Sunday, November 07, 2004


Like any decent human being, Brent Eyestone, who runs the rockin' semi-local indie/punk/hc label Magic Bullet, hates Bill O'Reilly. And he's putting his money where his mouth is. And probably hopes to put his fist where O'Reilly's mouth is.

ATTN: BILL O'REILLY: I hope you Google yourself and see this little note from me to you. It's real simple: I challenge you to tell me to "shut up" in person (I'm willing to pay the expenses to come to you) and we'll see what happens. If you're not too busy sexually harassing producers with your creepy oversized atrocity of a human head, let's get it on. On your show, on pay-per-view... however you want to do it. Debating, boxing, street-fighting... you name it and I will gladly take you on in any capacity. I guarantee it will be the very last time you tell another human being to "shut up" on the air or in real life.

Brent will be mass-producing stickers bearing the almost painfully accurate phrase, "O'REILLY: SPLOTCHY SHITHEAD." These stickers will be free to anyone who wants them, and will feature the Magic Bullet imprint so as to connect the message with the challenge. Whether you're into the punk rock or not, hop on over to the MB site and support the cause.


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