
Thursday, July 01, 2004

Pantheon of Bastards

The Israeli paper Ha'aretz, which is worth a read now and again for local coverage of the Israel/Palestine conflict, has a story today about, well, read for yourself:

International financial services giant Citigroup has likened Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to such economic heroes as Margaret Thatcher and the late American president Ronald Reagan.

"We will soon see the name of Benjamin Netanyahu enter the pantheon, along with Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher and Roger Douglas," Citigroup wrote in a report circulated to its clients around the world.

The article goes on to say that the the corporate tax rate in Israel is about to be lowered, to be accompanied by more general tax cuts. Despite its brutal treatment of the Palestinians, Israel is a historically socialistic country with a lively democracy. I don't know much about the economy there, but I know it's been in bad shape recently, and it appears that with Likud at the helm, reforms will be of the slash-and-burn variety. Hey, it worked in Argentina, so why not?

On a related note, The New Yorker magazine had a Citibank ad a few weeks ago that included a bumper sticker that just said "I [red heart]" and then had blank space for people to write in. I assume the phrase that Citibastards is looking for is "Smashing Corporate Power." Be sure to stick it on one of their offices so they know the ad campaign is effective.


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